About us



Client oriented
Starting from customer’s happiness


Enjoy global adventures
Challenging the world
while enjoying the adventure


Better life with technologies
With advanced technology,
bring a beter life


Isao Kato

At present, advanced technologies such as AI, artificial intelligence, and RPA are becoming very familiar. Among professional works that ai can replace, accounting has risen to the top recently. Certainly, there are many simple tasks and simple judgment tasks in accounting operations, and advanced technologies such as ai is desired to implemented at an early stage so that those operations can be performend faster and more accurately.
 However, technologies are just tools to support humans. the decisions toward proposals, process creation or improvement will continue to requiring experienced people and experts. The development of advanced technologies such as AI is unknown, but just like the population explosion on Mars, it is still early to worry about whether advanced technologies will completely replace humans.
 We, as ISAO International Certified Public Accountant Office, will support the improvement of business efficiency centered on the management globally while making good use of advanced technology, and help to propose more creative thinking with time to more clients.

Representative Name
Isao Kato
Certified public accountant
Member of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Winery tours, overseas travel, watching sports, triathlon
After working in accounting audit work at BIG4 Financial Division, engaged in advanced technology introduction support and business improvement consulting at a major domestic general consulting firm. After that, after engaging in global settlement, improvement, and introduction of overseas BPO and RPA for accounting work at a global manufacturing and retail company, he opened the ISAO International Certified Public Accountant Office in 2018. Along with cutting-edge technology, we are aiming for a world where more free time is created by supporting operational efficiency centered on the management area globally.


Challenge mind
Challenge mind
Always challenge new technologies
enjoy failures too
Office free
Office free
Work-from-home, flexible working hours,
 enhancing the employee's privacy
Regardless of race, age
or educational background

ISAO International Certified Public Accountant Office

Ginza 1-22-11 Ginza Otake Buisidence 2F, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan